If you have any fees currently owing, you will see a message on logging in to your myQCT account. You do not require a copy of your notice in order to pay. Your account includes:
Application fees | ||
A person with a current Queensland Blue Card and no criminal history | All other persons | |
An application for registration from a recent Queensland graduate | $167.85 | $183.80 |
An application for registration from all other persons | $289.22 | $305.17 |
An application for permission to teach | $289.22 | $305.17 |
An application for registration under mutual recognition | $289.22 | $305.17 |
A further criminal history screening (you will be notified during processing if this is required) | + $27.50 | + $27.50 |
A partial refund of fees may apply if an application is withdrawn, closed or refused. Once registered your fee is not refundable.
Fees for maintaining registration | |
Annual fee | $100.70 |
For teachers with full registration, every five years your annual fee needs to accompany a renewal application. If you do not apply and pay by the due date, there will be an additional restoration fee | + $94.92 |
For all other annual fees due, non-payment by the due date will result in a late fee | + $34.29 |
Fees to apply for Certification of Highly Accomplished Teachers and Lead Teachers |
Stage 1 assessment | $850.00 |
If successful at Stage 1 there is a fee for Stage 2 assessment | $650.00 |
Fee for renewal every five years | $100.00 |
Other fees | |
Replacement certificate | $42.88 |
Letter of professional standing | $42.88 |
Current fees commenced on 1 October 2023 which increased with the Queensland Government indexation rate of 3.4% for the 2023/24 financial year.