QCT office

The Queensland College of Teachers (QCT) is a Queensland Government statutory body funded by Queensland teachers, specifically established to administer the Education (Queensland College of Teachers) Act 2005 (the Act). The primary objects of the QCT are as follows:

  • to uphold the standards of the teaching profession
  • to maintain public confidence in the teaching profession
  • to protect the public by ensuring education in schools is provided in a professional and competent way by approved teachers.

The functions that the QCT delivers fall under four main units:

Registration – teacher registration and renewal of registration, permission to teach, returning to teaching, compliance with the Act.

Integrity – QCT legal advice, practice and conduct matters, review and appeal matters, legislation reviews; and Professional Conduct – investigation of teacher’s practice and conduct, complaints against teachers, compliance with the Act.

Professional Standards – the application of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST) to QCT functions and related policies, certification of Highly Accomplished and Lead Teachers, accreditation of initial teacher educations programs and relevant research.

Corporate Services – finance, human resources, IT, records management, facilities, and communication and engagement as well as support to Director and Chair in corporate governance matters and Board secretariat services.

The QCT is a statutory body and a public service entity under the Public Sector Act 2022 and, it is required to comply with the various Acts, Office of Public Sector Commission requirements and Ministerial Directives which cover Queensland public service departments. Employees of the Office, including the Director, are public servants.

The Office is located at Toowong, Queensland.

QCT Careers

Career opportunities within the QCT are advertised via the Queensland Government Jobs Online website.


The QCT is committed to improving its performance and actively encourages all stakeholders to provide feedback on the way it fulfills its role. 

You can give feedback about the QCT via our Contact us page.


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